Transportation » Transportation


Dattco School Bus Transportation will be providing transportation service for all Thompson students. I have been working with this new provider over the summer to ensure that the routes and stops already in place have minimal changes. Please understand that the vendor must comply with state regulations regarding where and how many feet in between stops a bus can pick up students.  At the start of every school year there are bus service issues that must be ironed out. I expect typical route or stop corrections to be made during the first weeks of school. We ask for your patience during this initial transition.

Please note, students must have consistent pick up and drop off stop that cannot fluctuate or change daily. If your child has a schedule which requires a different pick up or drop off they must be scheduled at the start of the school year and remain the same for each week. Please notify your child’s school secretary in writing of your child’s bus schedule. We cannot accommodate daily bus stop changes.

For information about our official School Bus Surveillance Policies, you can find the complete policy below.

Mrs. Melinda Smith